
tabet avatar image
tabet asked

how to charge from grid and pv at the same time?

hello how are you? i have a multiplus 2 connected to smart solar charger i have a question how can i set my multiplus to charge from solar and grid at the same time?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerchargerbatterygrid
2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Do you have a GX as well?

How is the system programmed?

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tabet avatar image tabet Alexandra ♦ commented ·
yes i have a cerbo gx can you help me what is the required setup that allows me to charge by pv and grid at the same time please
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snoobler avatar image snoobler tabet commented ·

if you apply AC to the input of the MP-II, it will charge from grid by default.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell tabet commented ·
If both chargers have the same absorption voltage then if the battery is low enough SOC both chargers will automatically add charge until the absorption voltage is reached.
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