
bretedge avatar image
bretedge asked

Engine Shutdown: Should It Be On?

We have two 100ah Battleborn batteries and a Victron Multiplus 12/2000 with Victron Bluesolar charge controller and 400W solar on roof of our Four Wheel Camper. No issues for the first 13 months. A couple nights ago we lost power from the batteries even though app showed they were at 61%. Next day drove truck to sunny area and solar charged batteries back up to 100%. Last night around midnight we lost power again. I used app to disable input voltage lockout and power came back on, indicating batteries at 99%. This morning truck batteries were dead. Used app to turn input voltage back on and reset to 12.5 and 12.8. Noticed engine shutdown was off so turned it on to prevent camper batteries from drawing from truck batteries when engine is off. App now shows charging disabled.

Will camper batteries charge via solar if engine shutdown is on? Should it be on? Is 12.5 and 12.8 where the input voltage lockout should be set?

I am admittedly a moron when it comes to this stuff so the more basic you can make your explanations, the better Thank you!

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes, engine shut down or at least voltage lockout should be on to prevent the discharge of one into the other.

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