
bryan78 avatar image
bryan78 asked

Connecting to mppt 100/20

Hi, I have just installed this, and looking to connect with the app. I've tried the default bluetooth code "000000" which it doesnt like. I've also tried resetting the pin, which it says it needs a PUK for. Apparently this can be found on a label on the side of the device, also where the pin code is. Unless i'm very thick, or lacking eyesight - i have no label with either, anywhere on my device, box or manual. Any suggestions as to what to do please? Thanks.

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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Bryan78 PUK code should be on the sticker on the RHS of the heatsink.


mppt-puk.png (1.2 MiB)
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