
saman-daneshvar avatar image
saman-daneshvar asked

DC Coupled

I am working on a research project involving a DC-coupled battery and solar setup. In this system, an AC/DC inverter is connected to the battery, and the solar panels are connected to the battery through a DC/DC converter. The goal is to remotely control the amount of power flowing from the solar panels to the battery and from the battery to the grid through a PLC using Modbus (or any other protocol). I have seen posts about enabling and disabling the inverter remotely using Modbus, but I haven't found any information on controlling the power flow. I am trying to understand if I can use Victron products for this custom design and to determine which products/specs might be necessary. Any support would be greatly appreciated.

MPPT SmartSolarbatteryorion dc-dc
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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

MPPT product page

VictronConnect manual


MPPT calculator

MPPT codes

Victron DC to DC Converters Product Range
