
hanswurst123 avatar image
hanswurst123 asked

blue smart charger 12v 15a charging voltage vs load voltage

Hi everyone,

so, the charger does 14,4V.

All loads are designed for 12V.


Do they blow up?

I'm a noob, have mercy.

chargerbluesmart ip22
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

It depends, 12V DC equipment that is designed for mobile applications such as in boats, vans, RVs, caravans will normally be designed to take that wide range of operating equipment. All the Victron 12V equipment will be OK.

However, if you have a domestic appliance such as a router that has a 12V DC adapter from AC grid power then this is only expecting a 12V supply so you should not connect it directly to your DC system, you will need a DC to DC converter to change your 11.5-14.5V DC to regulated 12V. If you have lots of loads like this you can.use a Victron Orion in power supply mode.

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hanswurst123 avatar image hanswurst123 commented ·

I was hoping for that answer. :) So, I will give everything a try.

Thank you!

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