
dominik-feser avatar image
dominik-feser asked

3 phase system with one old and 2 new MPs


Can I add two MPs to my old one to create a 3 phase system as long as the Part no# of all three MPs is the same?

Thank you!

Multiplus-II3 phase
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Dominik Feser,

This situation is explained here -

The safe answer is we officially support when the 3 units are same purchased at the same time.

Mixing older units sometimes works though, but then you need to go into it with eyes wide open that it might not. I would never do this for a customer, but I might try it for myself, and then not complain (or at least explain very clearly the situation) when things aren't working perfectly.

2 |3000

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