
shortphatman avatar image
shortphatman asked

Cerbo GX with MPPT controllers

Here is my setup:

  • 1x Victron Smart Battery 330AMPs at 12 volts
  • Victron Smart Lynx Smart BMS 500
  • 4x Victron SmartSolar MPPT 100 | 30
  • Cerbo GX
  • GX Touch

I absolutely love Victron products! I'm so impressed with them—they have the best electrical products I've ever used on my boat!

The problem I'm having is seeing the MPPT controllers on the Cerbo GX.

I have connected each VE.Direct port to a USB hub, and this hub is connected to the Cerbo GX. However, I don't see the MPPT controllers on the Cerbo GX at all. Should I be able to see them, or do I need to do something special to view these MPPT controllers?

I believe the issue might be related to my settings, but I'm not sure and need help.

The Cerbo GX is set up for DVCC, while the MPPT controllers are set up using the VE.SMART network where they communicate with each other via Bluetooth.

I suspect that I might need to disable the VE.SMART network on the MPPTs and let the Cerbo GX control everything. However, I'm having trouble finding any documentation that addresses this.

I've seen setups before where the Cerbo GX showed the solar input, so I believe what I'm trying to do is possible.

The system is working well, with the solar charging the batteries during the day, and the Smart BMS seems to be controlling the charging. I believe my setup is safe, yet not optimal.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

MPPT Controllerscerbo gxVE.DirectVE.Smart Network
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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Which USB port did you use? The one next to the HDMI port is only for powering the GX Touch display, it's NOT for data communication. -> see manual!

Did you try a different USB Port? Did you try to connect the MPPTs one by one directly to the Cerbo without the USB Hub?

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shortphatman avatar image
shortphatman answered ·

The GX touch display is connected on the USB port next to the HDMI port and it's working with no issues. The USB hub is connected to the USB port next to that.

Did you try a different USB Port? -> No, I can try tonight

Did you try to connect the MPPTs one by one directly to the Cerbo without the USB Hub? -> I did try this; however, I did still did not see the MPPT controller connected to the Cerbo GX. Am I supposed to see them under devices after connecting?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
After connecting it should show up after a few seconds.
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shortphatman avatar image shortphatman Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Thank you! I was wondering if that was the case
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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

I suppose you connect them to USB through an VE.Direct to USB converter, right?

So you have 4 such converters for the MPPTs.

Try connecting just one MPPT through its VE.Direct to USB converter to an USB port of Cerbo, other than the one for display. No USB hub usage at all.

Then reboot Cerbo. And see if it appears on Device List.

Sometimes a reboot after a reconfiguration helps...

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shortphatman avatar image shortphatman commented ·

Thank you. I'll try that! I definitely did not reboot the Cerbo GX after connecting the MPPT controller so I'll try that tonight!

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shortphatman avatar image shortphatman shortphatman commented ·

Sorry I forgot to answer your question:

I suppose you connect them to USB through an VE.Direct to USB converter, right? -> that is correct

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You should not run VE Smart Network and VE direct at the same time. I do not know if this is officially documented because I have not searched, but there are enough posts on the community where Victron personnel have said do not use both at the same time due to unpredictable results. Turn this off, you may need to hard restart your MPPTs (panel power off 1st then battery power off then battery on>panel on). Then try one MPPT direct to a Cerbo USB port without the hub. If this works then try the hub.

I do not know if 4 USBs in one hub is too much, is it a powered hub.

Do you possibly have a VE Direct cable you can use to connect to the Cerbo.

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shortphatman avatar image shortphatman commented ·

Thanks for the response!

I did read in a post not to run VE.Smart Network an at the same time. However, this is how it is currently setup and I want to make sure I know what I'm doing before making changes. For example: I was told that regardless of VE.Smart network or VE.Direct the MPPT controllers should show up under devices; however, this is not happening.

If you do find any documentation on this subject please let me know!

Do you think I should try turning off VE.Smart Network even though the MPPT devices are not showing up in the Cerbo GX?

To answer your questions:

I do not know if 4 USBs in one hub is too much, is it a powered hub. -> Yes, it is a powered hub. It has DC and AC input power and I tried both (separately of course)

Do you possibly have a VE Direct cable you can use to connect to the Cerbo. -> The Cerbo is far from the MPPT controllers so I can do this but I would have to temporarily move the Cerbo GX close to the controllers. Would this be to test if the VE.Direct cable is working?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell shortphatman commented ·

The test with a VE Direct cable is to make sure everything is working properly using tje simple straightforward regular setup.

You now say the MPPTs are far from the Cerbo so are you using long USB cables, there are length limits on USB. Using the VE direct or VE Direct to USB cable with the Cerbo next to the MPPT will eliminate the cable length as an issue. If it works close by then you have found your problem.

Re tje VE Smart Network, again, personally I would remove this because it is known to create erratic results, you want to get back to the basic set up and test that because normally the system just works. You have added or changed something to the basic set up that is causing your problem, so go back to basics and then add changes one at a time.

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