
maartenkg avatar image
maartenkg asked

Victron-Pylontech US5000 ESS (dis)charge limit?

Hi everyone, we recently installed an ESS consisting of 18x Pylontech US5000 and 3x Victron Multiplus-II 48V/10000VA/140A-100/100/230. We would expect a maximum (dis)charge of around 3x 8.000W (combined 24.000W), but when checking the VRM app and setting it the maximum 8.000W per inverter, per phase it just doesn't go above a combined 15.000W. I've been checking all sorts of settings, but cannot find where there could possible be a limit in place. Can anyone help me out? P.s. at the same site we also installed a 12x Pylontech US3000 combined with 3x Victron Multiplus-II 48V/5000/70-50 230V and they perfectly do the max of around 4.000W per inverter.

Multiplus-IIbattery chargingPylontech
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Sounds like the system does not know all modules are there.

Check under the pylontec see the CCL and DCL or use vrm advanced with the widget there.

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maartenkg avatar image maartenkg commented ·

Thanks, in VRM advanced I see CCL 960A and DCL 960A. Should be enough. How can I see if all 18 modules are known to the system?

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aaxc avatar image aaxc maartenkg commented ·

With my 5 x US5000 I can see a DCL of 400A (80A per US5000). With 18 x US5000 you should see 1440A. So something is wrong there. Can you see all modules as online in the Pylontech deetails page on your Cerbo?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ aaxc commented ·

You shouldn't need to limit inverting power to 8kw in the ess menu.

Is peka shaving on off? Are you above the min SOC in case of grid faliure? Or are you testing with no grid?

You are correct though, even with missing modules 960A DCL is enough for 30kVa of discharge.

GX - device list- pylontec - details

You should see something like this..


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1000055640.jpg (132.0 KiB)
maartenkg avatar image maartenkg commented ·

Thanks so much for the feedback, ok the 960A seems then not enough. I do not have the "Details" Tag though. Any other place where the 960A can be increased?

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maartenkg avatar image maartenkg commented ·

Aaah I misread, 960A IS enough.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ maartenkg commented ·

960A x 48v = 46kVa

So yes enough to make the system discharge. But i it still not all the modules. Seems about 12 modules - how many does the manual say you can set up without a hub? I am sure it is 12? Not used the Us5000s yet. But have done alot of pylontec.

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aaxc avatar image aaxc Alexandra ♦ commented ·
The max is 16 modules in one string. Else you need the hub.
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maartenkg avatar image
maartenkg answered ·

Thanks all for the input, is there in VRM portal any option to add modules and/or increase the max AC current that can be drawn by the Victron's? We think that we maybe have put in a limit when installing the Victrons. Are these settings only configurable at location and connecting a USB dongle to the Victrons?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Google remote veconfigure.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Ac input current liit can be set on the GX and in the vrm side bar if you enable inverter controls.
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