
colinbr avatar image
colinbr asked

Using a 2nd inverter as a generator input to feed into the 1st inverter


I have a Multiplus II 48/3000VA inverter, can I connect a Phoenix 48/5000VA inverter output into the Multiplus II input acting as a generator input?

Will this allow the Multiplus 3000VA to feed 8000VA into my distribution board when both inverters are on?

Does it matter the Multiplus is only 3000VA and the Phoenix is 5000VA?

multiple inverters
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4 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Yes you can. Since the MutiPlus-II is smaller then the Phoenix, it will be not killed, except if you give a load higher then 6,4kW on the MultiPlus-II.

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colinbr avatar image
colinbr answered ·

Thanks Michelle

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I think the Multi will charge the battery using power supplied by the Phoenix since the Multi prioritizes AC input over battery power.

If you have no other AC sources, then you could set the Multi's max charging current to zero. If you do have other AC sources, you'd need an app to control the Multi's charging current. This would be via a Cerbo or another of the GX control family and node-red.

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colinbr avatar image
colinbr answered ·

Thanks for input Kevin, I plan to switch charging off on the Multiplus 2, as I already have 2 x Victron charge controllers in my system for battery charging.

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