
abeness avatar image
abeness asked

BMV-712 historical data is inaccurate in latest FW

I recently upgraded my battery box, and reset my BMV-712 (FW 4.16, latest) historical data for the new prismatic cells. I then ran an inverter test with 1500W heat gun to see how it went (great; approx. 136A draw). Unfortunately, I neglected to save live screenshots at the time, and I was disappointed to discover on attempting to view the Trends data later, that a full day covering the period I wanted to explore, had been lost from history:



I subsequently ran another test on Friday eve over the course of an hour, with several rounds of ~300-ish and 600-ish watt draws, and saved live screenshots. I then returned tonight to review the trend over time, and discovered that the historical data shows a completely different curve than I had saved at the time:




Historical, and wholly inaccurate:


This seems to be a FW bug in 4.16, as I don't remember such wildly inaccurate data in the past. I'm using VictronConnect 6.07, latest for iOS. I created a service report, but it is not human-readable. How best to report this to the developers? Surely not only through a local dealer.

BMV Battery MonitorVictronConnect
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abeness avatar image abeness commented ·
Sorry, it seems that the image size editor does not work. I had set all of these to 300px wide before posting. One for the forum developers.
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Hi @abeness

You can attach the service report to a comment or answer here.

It would be really helpful when you can create a service report each day for a few days and post them here.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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abeness avatar image abeness Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Thanks, Thiemo. Adding the report from June 22 from iOS, one from just now on macOS, and will do some additional tests this week with "high" draw. Normally our usage is below 10A for charging laptops and phones.

I noticed that the Trends data did not reset when I reset History, and it goes all the way back to May 6. There doesn't seem to be any way to reset that. (I would have expected that to reset with History.)

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abeness avatar image abeness abeness commented ·

Hi, @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff). Adding an additional two service reports from June 25 and this morning.

Here is another example of discrepancy between live trend:


and historical (loaded 20 mins later):


Note the loss of granularity. I'm guessing that this one is the result of number of data points retained over a short period, as the overall Power and SOC trend numbers are still accurate in this one. I'm much more concerned with the larger issues in my OP.

What level of granularity is retained in stored data? And how is it pruned over time? I'd love to know the logic.


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time2-live.png (55.6 KiB)
1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I'll pass it on for you.

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abeness avatar image abeness commented ·
Thank you!
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