
John Mitchell avatar image
John Mitchell asked

Multiplus II GX Remote Console Switch

remote-console-switch.jpgHi - the switch on the Multiplus II GX remote console has 4 positions. Off, charger only, inverter only and on.

Very simple question - does "Off" turn the MPII off or does it put the unit in bypass mode. If it doesn't put it in Bypass mode is there a simple way to do this? So it's neither inverter or charger is engaged?

remote consolevirtual switch
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@John Mitchell Mobile off-grid or ESS system? The system will be off and the ACIN relay open. Depending on the setup, either a manual bypass switch is required or you can use the switch in inverter mode only, grid code set to no DC feedin allowed and when hooked up to shore it will disable the inverter and go into passthru without charging the batteries.

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John Mitchell avatar image John Mitchell commented ·
Grid connected. So turning it off will disconnect power to all those circuits. Shame "Bypass" is not an option on the switch.
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Also, off in remote console turns only the multiplus off, not the built in GX device

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John Mitchell avatar image John Mitchell commented ·
Good to know - thanks! So you don't get locked out of the system.
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