
tim-skag avatar image
tim-skag asked

Connect two Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC chargers to one battery?

I have three battery systems on my boat: starting, accessory/electronics, and trolling motor. If possible, I want to charge the accessory and trolling motor systems with the Orion smart chargers. If not, I am looking for recommendations.

The trolling motor battery is 36v lithium; the accessory is about to be upgraded to 12v lithium.

Can I use two Orion smart chargers connected to the same starting battery? I am looking at the 12/12 - 18 model.

orion dc-dc
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

The Orions can't be used on your trolling motor battery (no 36v option), but otherwise yes, you can parallel two Orions from your start battery to your accessory battery so long as your alternator is capable of supplying enough current to the start battery.

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