
maxtosea avatar image
maxtosea asked

What's a better BMS?

Right now I'm using the V.E Bus BMS along with Orion DC-DC 30amp charger everything is working fine but I have no control over the BMS.

I've recently heard about the

Victron Energy BMS210055000 Smart BMS 12/200

And was wondering if I should swap it

What would be my benefits by doing so?

Will I be able to use it with my alternator and get 100amps out of it?

Sorry for the newb questions

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Unless you are building a DIY battery, a BMS provides no control. It is configured by the battery manufacturer.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I would go to the product page at

And download the BMS Overview document which covers the differences between the various units. I would then download both product manuals and example schematics as these will give you a lot of answers.

The CL BMS will only give you 100A if you have an alternator that will deliver 100A or more continuously at 14.4 or 14.5V. It does not have a boost function like the Orion if your alternator is low voltage.

I do not believe that the CL BMS has any more settings available than the VE Bus BMS and the CL BMS does not control a VE Bus inverter like a Multiplus. The manuals are your best source of information here.

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maxtosea avatar image maxtosea commented ·

My alternator s are 115amp each. So if I get the BMS 200 amp will I be able to put 200amp back into the batteries?

Also the smart BMS has Bluetooth wouldn't that allow me to see the inverter and the BMS?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell maxtosea commented ·
The Smart BMS 12/200 has an alternator current limit of 100A per the datasheet, again, you should download and read all the info. The Smart BMS has Bluetooth for you to monitor and set up the BMS but again, the settings are limited, look in the manual. The Bluetooth does not communicate between the BMS and inverter, so the BMS does not directly control the inverter. If it is a small inverter, less than 2000VA you can connect it to the system port, a larger inverter will need to be controlled by the ATC and ATD ports.
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maxtosea avatar image maxtosea pwfarnell commented ·
I just read the data sheet and you're correct it's only 100amp for the alternator. But doesn't say specifically is that 100amp per alternator? The Bluetooth wouldn't really add much other than setting it up.

Right now I have 2 12/2000 multi inverter's in parallel but planning on getting a Quattro 5000. And using just one of the multi. So I'm really not sure what would be best. Should I just keep the ve bus BMS or get a lynx BMS or Smart BMS

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