
oskar81 avatar image
oskar81 asked

Cerbo Gx unable to establish connection over Ethernet cable

Cerbo Gx Unable to establish connection over LAN to MFD or router

As described in the title, I’ve trouble connecting the Cerbo to either an MFD (Navico) directly or with the help of a router and a network over Ethernet.

So I can connect via Bluetooth and WiFi to the cerbo, access the venus.local screen and even connect the cerbo via WiFi to the router and access the VRM screen online but I just can’t get the LAN connection to work.

Unfortunately the MFD will only display certain info when connected over LAN.

So I’ve read & followed the MFD integration guide 13.3. Navico MFD Integration.

  • Check at MQTT on LAN (SSL) and MQTT on LAN (Plaintext).
  • Set up what batteries you want to see
  • Checkst at “Has DC system setting”

Super simple and not much to it. Unfortunately not working for me.

The lights next to the Ethernet plug on the cerbo are blinking, but that’s about it…

I can see in the “Ethernet” setting, that the cerbo is “retrieving IP address” but never goes beyond.

Obviously I’ve tried multiple settings so the screens vary but I took a couple of screenshots to indicate my settings.

Two obvious errors show up:

1st. #153 Connection error

In this document ( ) indicating some sort of time zone error but it disappears once I connect via WiFi to the router, so in my analogy not a valid hurdle for the cerbo to neglect LAN connection. Also, time zones on router and cerbo are in sync.

The HTTPS error message

changes to different error message when switching off HTTPS but the consent is the same: “Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution”

I’ve seen this thread, where a user describes a very similar problem but with the difference that is unable connect via WiFi & LAN, and after all, he solves the issues because there’s a conflict in IP addresses.

That’s not the case for my problem, as I can establish a connection over WiFi.

Little background, I’ve tried different RJ45 cables, that’s not the issue.

The MFD can connect to the router effortless, so neither the special Navico cable nor the MFD is the problem. The router itself works flawlessly with other devices.

I’ve Firmware 3.11 installed and rebooted countless times with different settings.

I’ll include bunch of screenshots and would be so glad if anyone has some input what to try or even solve the issue. All the efforts to help are appreciated.

At this point, thanks a lot for taking the time even reading this threat.





cerbo gxethernetmarine mfd app
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img-5972.png (489.7 KiB)
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

So the simple reason is it is not getting an ip address. As for why it is not getting and address.... Hmm

What lights are on, on the ethernet port? Are they flickering? Do they go out when the ethernet is unplugged.

Have you tired setting a manual address?

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oskar81 avatar image oskar81 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Alexandra Hey, thanks for taking the time and reading through this…

Yes, not getting an IP address is the issue, firstly

Green light is flickering, yellow stable and they def. go out once disconnected or played with the settings. So from that side, the Ethernet plug seems normal.
I tried assigning a manual IP but no luck so far. The router doesn’t recognize any client even trying to connect to the LAN. Anything special I should pay attention when assigning manual IP? Obvious haven’t assigned an specific port forwarding or similar, as there’s no connection with network…

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1 Answer
stromhamster avatar image
stromhamster answered ·


a Manual free IP Adress in Cerbo from your Network will Help.

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