
erikj725 avatar image
erikj725 asked

IP-43 charger shows positive charge battery current with Cerbo but also output current flow

I have a pretty simple system (Smart Shunt, CerboGx) and recently replaced my old non-Victron charger with an IP-43 Smart to accommodate lithium batteries. Smart Shunt and IP-43 are connected to Cerbo with Ve.Direct cables.

  • When the charger is charging, Cerbo shows a positive current on the battery and positive watts, but the current "flow" dots are moving to the DC Power box and not into the battery.
  • When the charger is off, the battery shows a negative current and the flow continues moving to the DC Power box.
  • If I unplug the Ve.Direct cable from the IP-43 and the charger is charging, the flow dots move toward the battery like I expect. The old charger showed the same as does my non-Victron solar controller.

What am I missing here?



cerbo gxPhoenix Smart Charger ip43
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Is the smart shunt a dc meter or a battery SOC device?

Do you have something measuring dc power as well?

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erikj725 avatar image erikj725 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
The Smart Shunt is connected right after the battery to measure all the in's/out's of the battery. So shouldn't that track everything?
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