
dac07800 avatar image
dac07800 asked

Frequency Shifting for Solaredge PV Inverter

I have a Solaredge SE17k PV inverter connected to 3 Quattro 48/10000 inverters in a completely off-grid installation. Country on the SE is set to Spain, but I understand the Quattros ramp up frequency when my batteries are full to shut off the SE inverter. This results in multiple and frequent "AC Freq too High" alerts on the SE side. Spain does not have frequency shifting from what I have been told. If I change the SE country to another country that uses this, will this solve the issue?

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1 Answer
mgailly avatar image
mgailly answered ·

Adjust the value at Victron to match EN50549 or CDE AR 4105. Total disconnect at 52Hz.1718550767289.png

1718550767289.png (83.3 KiB)
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Related Resources

Integrating with SolarEdge

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Quattro II Product page

Quattro II Online Manual

Pre-RMA bench test instructions.

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