
gawan avatar image
gawan asked

Victron coupled to Solaredge WR - Shutodown caused by frequency coupling


I have 6 Multiplus II 3000 connected to a Solaredge SE17K with frequency coupling.

Today we had several power grid outages and Victron went to Standalone Mode. After some minutes the Solaredge WR shut down and stopped producing.

One hour later (grid was back online since more than 40 minutes) the Solaredge went back online also. In the error log I found:

- AC-Frequenz zu hoch (Linie 1)

- AC-Frequenz zu hoch (Linie 2)

- AC-Frequenz zu hoch (Linie 3)

So it seems that there is an issue with frequency coupling. I am using the proposed setup from the victron handbook:

  1. The solar converter will start reducing its output power at 50.2Hz
  2. Output power will be reduced to a minimum when the frequency is 51.2Hz
  3. The converter will disconnect when the frequency is higher than 51.5Hz

Is this maybe not the best possible setup ?

Can I make this setup more failure resistent with other figures ?

Any suggestions ?



AC PV Couplingfrequencysolaredge
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

hard to say but have you tested that the solar edge units ARE responding to the frequency shutdown requests. what does the VRM say in its graphs re-frequency - I suspect that the Solar edge units are not setup to respond and thus you got the error

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innoboreal avatar image
innoboreal answered ·

I think you need to configure the frequency shift on the Solar Edge somehow, not only on Multiplus. In Fronius systems, the grid configuration is called MG50, that stands for Micro-Grid 50Hz.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

The recommended frequency settings are designed for the Fronius inverters which have a tapered output between 50.2 and 51.2 Hz. Does the Solaredge have the same capability? If it only has on/off frequency control at X Hz it might be better to change the Victron settings to X + 0.1, X + 0.2 and X + 0.3, works well for me with Steca inverters, it takes only 5 mins to respond in either direction.

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dirk-s avatar image
dirk-s answered ·

Configuration must be set up in Solaredge. Also there must be switched a contact for "generator" mode. There exists also a manual with exact descriptuon from Solaredge for configuration. You have to search for it.

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Related Resources

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