
ian-horsley avatar image
ian-horsley asked

ET112 only on during export

My ET112 installed as a grid meter only powers on (the left light green) when my house is exporting. The rest of the time there are no lights on. Is this normal behaviour? Or is my ET112 faulty?20240611-201033.jpg

Not sure - Admin please assign or create
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3 Answers
sean avatar image
sean answered ·
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ian-horsley avatar image
ian-horsley answered ·

Thanks for the reply. I was using the second wiring configuration from the manfacturers manual However, after you comment on the incoming neutrals I realise my neutrals were back to front. Not that that really should make a difference given both are marked N.

Anyway to avoid any doubt I switched to the first configuration shown in the manual you pointed to. See the new image below. Note the blue and brown blocks go off to the consumer units.

I still have the same issue that the ET112 only shows the lights when the house is exporting.


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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi is it now wired like this?


img-6391.jpeg (170.1 KiB)
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