
dac07800 avatar image
dac07800 asked

12v gen starter battery Voltage on Cerbo GX?

I keep having dead starter batteries on my generator. Is there any way to have this battery voltage show up on the Cerbo so an alarm rule can be created?

cerbo gxbattery chargingGenerator
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


What is the distance of the generator from the system? Or you to check?

Shunt is really the way. Either using the aux on the shunt or the shunt itself. This is the devie that connects easily to the cerbo.

The other way is a smart battery sense. But doesn't connect to the cerbo.

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dac07800 avatar image dac07800 commented ·
Gen is in next room so very close, basically behind wall Cerbo is mounted on.
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Philipp Trenz avatar image
Philipp Trenz answered ·

@dac07800 In case you have one of the supported genset controllers (Fischer Panda, many Deep Sea Electronics models, ComAp InteliLite 4 and even more following soon), you can integrate them via CAN or LAN (Modbus TCP) instead of the relay-based start/stop control. Most of them then report battery voltage next to a lot other useful readings. Plus you are able to configure custom alarms, e.g. for low battery voltage, on VRM.

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dac07800 avatar image dac07800 commented ·

Don't have that.. Gen is himosa.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ dac07800 commented ·

If it remote starts from the GX the other way to maintain the genset battery is the periodic run function in the GX menu.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

As @Alexandra has stated, easiest is going to be with a shunt and then you can set alarms thru the shunt.

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