
marekp avatar image
marekp asked

Wrong data on VRM?

Why AC grid power in "dashboard" is different from values in "advanced" mode.




VRMvrm advanced
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Reboot the GX. Or maybe first...

Check if cpu or d bus round trip are ok. Might be overloaded and cutting the real time connection.

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marekp avatar image marekp commented ·


GX Reboot did not change anything.

AC VE Bus data in "advanced" view is way out of wack compared to GRID data in "dashboard" view.

screen-shot-2024-06-10-at-94042-am.pngAt the same time data on the AC out is the same in dashboard and advanced views.screen-shot-2024-06-10-at-94400-am.png

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marekp avatar image marekp commented ·

What I see now in "advanced" view, for AC in power values, does not make any sense.

In "dashboard" view all numbers are more or less logical. All power is accounted for.

AC out power values in "advanced" view are as they are in "dashboard" view.


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marekp avatar image marekp commented ·

There is no problem without PV production.



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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·

After observing the power flow in the system, I come to conclusion that "Grid" values are not the same as "AC in" in the VE Bus summary.

The VE Bus summary shows only the power on the input of the MP-II.

If there is a PV ON-grid inverter in front of the MP-II, the "Grid" would show the power fed into the grid from PV ON grid inverter and power from MP-II, if there is a surplus from other sources being fed to grid by MP-II.


There is no problem with VRM data.

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