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n3wby asked

VE Configure parameters for 24V system

Hi fellow Victron users,

I was hoping to confirm a few parameters from the VE config.

1. General tab:
- What applications would enable battery monitor be used?

2. Inverter tab:
- What Voltages are usually set for the low values for a 24V (25.6V) system? I understand this also depends on battery BMS & manufacturer specs, hoping for a comparison.

3. Charger tab:
- What charge curve is preferred for LiFePO4?
- For a LiFePO4 battery, is this selected via battery type or just checking the lithium battery box?
- Any comparison charging voltage specs for a 24V system?

Please let me know if there are other parameters that I have missed & should consider checking in configuration.


Multiplus-IIVEConfigure 3
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
We need more details about the system.

Batteries? Other components? What kind of system (RV, boat, house - on-grid/off-grid)? Wiring diagram?

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