
lurch avatar image
lurch asked

MP II miss-reporting shore power in parallel

I have 2 MP3k 24v 2x120's in parallel, the issue I'm having is that i input current limit is not being followed or reported correctly. The wattage is, but amperage is not, and overload the circuit its currently plugged into. One multi has the head phone style load sensor port, the other, this was an issue prior, but was remedied with cleaning of the port. With the input limit at 18a, its still pulls almost 30 amps. Power assist is enabled at 2.0, no assistants or ESS, basic specs for a RVaa231127-7568-422b-b5f5-df78d5b91a0f.jpg

Multiplus-IIpowerassistinput current
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2 Answers
lurch avatar image
lurch answered ·

Update to those following, went back to square one, double checked ALL wiring, Polaris. connections, ect. Found that the Polaris connector for the L1 junction on the input side for 1 inverter was crimped on the wire jacket. Repaired the connection and everything is reporting as it should

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Was the AC input current remote overide flag set for both inverters in veconfigure?

Presumably both have been configured correctly to be in a parallel set.

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lurch avatar image lurch commented ·
yes, even went as far as programing the default limit to 9 amps on both units

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas lurch commented ·

Double check all the ac cabling connections. You might have a large imbalance between parallel units. Last resort you might try resetting to default and run configuration again. What are the serial numbers of the multis? Have you verified each one operates correctly in stand alone?

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