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Olga asked

HELP!!!configuration Victron Mercedes sprinter

Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-18A (220W) Isolated DC-DC charger


I drive a Mercedes sprinter 313 C.D.I van. from 2015 converted into a van.

I have 2 batteries: LUCAS LLX100 LITHIUM 100 Marine Leisure Batteries

I have 2 solar panels too.

We drive sometimes it charges super then even at 80 km/h I see that the VictronConnect stops by turning off the engine detected…. While the battery is at 30%

Likewise, instead of being in bulk mode until my batteries are 80% charged, the charge goes into absorption while my battery is barely at 30%.

So if I remove detection of the engine stopping it recharges... but not always in bulk even though I am far from 80% charge.

Apparently I can't leave the engine shutdown detection off otherwise it will discharge the entire engine battery.

I can't find the right settings and voltages so that the load is active all the time the engine is running.

With factory settings it does this to me.

The same goes for lock data. I don't know how to fix this.

Please help me with the configurations!…

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