
Jim Lacy avatar image
Jim Lacy asked

Smart shunt showing incorrect voltage?

I’m stumped, and hope someone can offer a suggestion. I’ve had a smart shunt 500 in our camper for just over two years, and it’s always performed great. This week for unknown reasons it is no longer showing a correct voltage. In the attached screen shot you can see what I mean. The solar charge controller shows 13.3 volts for our BattleBorne battery, as does a builtin meter in the camper. Ditto when I checked the battery with a volt meter. Shunt reads 10.9v.

I’ve replaced the inline fuse just for kicks, didn’t make any difference.

Any ideas about what’s happening here?


img-0383.png (246.8 KiB)
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3 Answers
Jim Lacy avatar image
Jim Lacy answered ·

After some troubleshooting with a dealer, the unit was determined to be defective. Sending back for a warranty replacement.

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m-verbeek avatar image
m-verbeek answered ·

Hi Jim,
Have you checked all the wiring for loose connections? Is the shunt on the most recent firmware version? Things do break sometimes but if the shunt is still within warranty you can always RMA it. Just contact your supplier or distributer.

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Jim Lacy avatar image
Jim Lacy answered ·

All connections are tight, and I recently updated the firmware… right before the problems started in fact. Probably a coincidence, but I have to wonder out loud if the firmware update could cause this?

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m-verbeek avatar image m-verbeek commented ·
@Jim Lacy Maybe try to completely de-energise the system and then energise again?
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