
mitsch avatar image
mitsch asked

How stop AC Charging on 3.32?(2.92 was "no" Problem)

Hello Victron Guys,

before on 2.92, if a Victron MPPT was connected with Cerbo(no battery connection from the MPPT), and DVCC set to 0A there wasn't any charging.

Yet after update to 3.32 i couldn't stop AC Charging by putting DVCC to 0A max Charge Current.

Any hints to stop charging on AC?

Multiplus-IIVenus OS
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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Did you update the rest of the system or just the GX?

If you didn't, start there.

If its not solved, then roll back the GX firmware

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mitsch avatar image
mitsch answered ·

Didn't planned the upgrade, but filesystem was corrupted.

So its a complete new install on my Pi 2.

So Mk3 and Multplus got also a update.

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mitsch avatar image
mitsch answered ·

Any hints how to stop AC Charging, only way i see is to set AC Charger to 0A in Multiplus configuration(VEConfigure) but that isn't really a option.

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


I didn't fully understand your question. If your MPPT isn't connected to the battery, why do you have an MPPT at all? Just for power export? So setting the max charge current under DVCC to zero watts stopped your inverter/charger front charging your battery? How did you charge your battery then?

If you want to prevent your inverter/charger from charging your battery, what is wrong with disabling charge on the charger tab via MK3 or VictronConnect?


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mitsch avatar image
mitsch answered ·

What a crap, just updated to 3.33 Large, Multiplus went in passthrough mode and didn't anything!

After go back to 3.32 normal, DVCC working as it should :)

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