
thesmok avatar image
thesmok asked

Would VE.Bus Smart dongle display battery percentage?

The setup is Multiplus 12/500/20 with a 100Ah lead-acid battery, and a Venus GX.

This is used as UPS because we get power shutdowns almost every day.

I have used VEConfig to enable Battery Monitor in my Multiplus 12/500/20. I've had a GX device connected and was able to see battery SOC in % on my phone, and that is convenient. However, current draw of Venus GX is too much for my battery, so I want to replace Venus GX with a VE.Bus Smart Dongle – to get longer time of discharge.

I was not able to confirm if I would be able to see SOC in percent in Victron Connect with the Smart Dongle. All of screenshots online show just the battery voltage.

VE.Bus Smart Dongle
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I see SOC and voltage on the BT dongle.

I do have a GX though connected, so the VE bus soc is likely synchronised to the BMV I have. You do see VE BUS SOC.

If you charge up from Grid the ve bus SOC is pretty accurate. When it is solar only charging a little less so. Since you are grid/ups then i am sure it will work well for you.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Checked it without the gx attached and power cycled. Still shows percentage. Also the instant readout is cool.


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thesmok avatar image thesmok Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thank you @Alexandra

That’s exactly what I wanted to see, and you did all the effort to confirm, I appreciate the help!

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

The SOC can be only view via the BMV712/702 or the SmartShunt

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thesmok avatar image thesmok commented ·
As I've mention in the post, SOC can be measured by Multi's internal Battery Monitor feature. It might be not as accurate as the Shunt, but it works. And I was able to read the SOC value via GX device. The question is, would I be able to read that value via Smart Dongle?
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