
eric-s avatar image
eric-s asked

Grid and power monitoring

As a preliminary step for a forthcoming solar installation connected to the grid, I want to monitor the grid and the actual power consumption. The grid quality is poor with grid outage and variable voltage. So, I want to log grid voltage, grid frequency, grid outage (i.e. voltage=0 !!!) and power consumption (let’s say average and max peak during last ¼ hour). I want to log from a couple of days up to a year. What would you suggest to do that ?

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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

A cerbo with an carlo gavazzi energy meter can do that

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eric-s avatar image
eric-s answered ·

Thanks for your answer. I didn't though that Carlo Gavazzi meters were able to measure grid frequency. Good point.

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