
Kasper Kling - Nautech Elektronik avatar image
Kasper Kling - Nautech Elektronik asked

Multiplus loses Battery type

I have a customer who has twice now experienced losing the battery type in his Multiplus.

1st time last summer, and again now here

Multiplus Compact 1600VA with Victron smart lithium and VE.Bus BMS V2

First, cerbo comes up with the following error.

  • VE.Bus Error: VE.Bus Error 15
  • Low battery: Alarm.

Charging stops, no shore current detection

there is no low battery voltage. SOC approx. 95%

I update Multiplus (510) and Cerbo (v3.32) to new software via VRM no difference.

reads setup file from Multiplus. change battery type to Victron smart lithium battery with VE.Bus BMS. saves and sends the file back and the charger runs again.

Why does it lose the battery type in the Multiplus? several times

BMSmultiplus ve.bussmart lithium
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Did you or your customer perform a FW update of the MultiPlus?

A FW update always resets all settings to default!

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Kasper Kling - Nautech Elektronik avatar image
Kasper Kling - Nautech Elektronik answered ·

Yes, I have updated both cerbo and Multiplus. This probably explains why the battery type disappears.

Any plausible suggestions on it initially coming up with an error message and stopping charging.

  • VE.Bus Error: VE.Bus Error 15
  • Low battery: Alarm.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

Victron 3rd party BMS compatibility page