
Andrew Lyons avatar image
Andrew Lyons asked

MPPT 100/20 with Phoenix 24/250

What is the best way to control load output on the Phoenix 24/250 from a MPPT SmartSolar 100/20?

I understand I can use the +ve Load Output of the MPPT 100/20 to the left-side of the Phoenix Remote.

I believe I can also use a VE.Direct TX digital to connect to the Remote port, but I can no longer see where I found this in the manual.

Can I also just buy a VE.Direct cable and connect between the two devices? Would this give me access to the Phoenix over Bluetooth via the SmartSolar?

Can I control the Phoenix if I buy a VE.Direct Bluetooth dongle and create a Network?

Thanks in advance

MPPT SmartSolarPhoenix Inverter
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3 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Andrew Lyons Best I refer you to the manual than simply retype it here ;) What do you want to control other than turning it on or off?e8dc70a3-e8ca-4557-8c4f-5fa193fb2f55.jpeg

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Andrew Lyons avatar image
Andrew Lyons answered ·

Thanks @ejrossouw,

I just want to turn it off/on based on configured volvates. I do not currently have a VE.Direct USB or Bluetooth dongle for the inverter to configure values on it, but I can configure load output on the MPPT.

Per the MPPT manual section 3.7, the VE.Direct port is also for the purpose of "external control" but it doesn't say of what, or how, which is why I wondered if/how it can control the Phoenix from the MPPT.

So, what actually is the answer to my original question? What is the best way of controlling (on/off) the output?

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Andrew Lyons Best to use the load output of the mppt to drive the remote of the inverter.


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