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simon1111 asked

Integration of Multiplus 5000, 5KW Generator, and PV System for 3-Phase Power Supply


I hope you can assist me with a project I'm working on in a mountainous area where there is no grid connection available. The project requires a 3-phase power supply. To address this, I have a 100 KVA generator, which is significantly over-dimensioned, and an industrial dishwasher that requires a 3-phase power supply (assuming around 9KW). Unfortunately, the exact power requirements of the dishwasher are unknown.

My main question is about the integration of the generator with the Multiplus inverter/charger. If I connect a Multiplus 5000 inverter and a for example 5KW generator, does their combined output adapt to 10KW, or is it still limited to the 5KW capacity of the inverter?

Additionally, I have a large PV system on the roof with a 3-phase inverter, and the dishwasher is intended to operate primarily during periods of high solar insolation. During times of low solar insolation, the dishwasher can run on the 3-phase generator. Since no other significant consumers exist in the house, can I reduce the minimum recommended battery capacity for the Multiplus 5000? I also have a potential hydroelectric power plant nearby and plan to charge the batteries with it around 1KW continuously, so having a large storage capacity doesn't seem necessary.

Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Multiplus-IIGeneratoroffgrid3 phaseHydro and Wind Power
2 |3000

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