
windhoos avatar image
windhoos asked

VictronConnect 6.05 crashes on Mac Big Sur when opening a second time

I have an old Macbook that is still running Big Sur 11.7.10. when opening Victron Connect 6.05 for the first time it runs perfectly. When running again it crashes. When I create a new use on my system and run Connect the first time everything ok. when running a second time it crashes.

Here the last part of the terminal log that contains the warnings, etc.

qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect(QObject, Unknown): invalid nullptr parameter
qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect(QObject, Unknown): invalid nullptr parameter
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.186 [VRGTLR] init translation function defined for vreg "VE_REG_LINK_BINARY_SWITCH_BANK_STATUS" but no translation function found!!
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.186 [VRGTLR] init translation function defined for vreg "VE_REG_LINK_BINARY_SWITCH_BANK_MASK" but no translation function found!!
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.207 [VRGTLR] init path "/Mgmt/ProcessName" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.207 [VRGTLR] init path "/Mgmt/ProcessVersion" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.207 [VRGTLR] init path "/Mgmt/Connection" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.207 [VRGTLR] init path "/Connected" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.207 [VRGTLR] init path "/N2KUniqueNumber" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.210 [VRGTLR] init path "/Alarms/LowBattery" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.211 [VRGTLR] init path "/Alarms/FuseBlown" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.240 [VRGTLR] init path "/Update/StartResult" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.240 [VRGTLR] init path "/PinCodeResult" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:13.240 [VRGTLR] init path "/PukCodeResult" has no vreg defined
WARN  2024-05-17T19:40:14.729 [VRMPIN] START SYNC DATABASE TO MAP 0
zsh: bus error  /Applications/
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

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4 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Windhoos,

Thanks for the bug report, I'll pass it on.

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jperez (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
jperez (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@Windhoos Can you try to open VictronConnect from the Launchpad and let me know if it also crashes?

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windhoos avatar image windhoos commented ·
Hi. were you able to find the cause of the crash?
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windhoos avatar image
windhoos answered ·

Hi. Yes it crashes when opening via launchpad or via finder.

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mactech avatar image
mactech answered ·

I am having the same issue. It worked fine upon first installation and run. same macOS version 11

Quit the App and relaunched it the following day and it would only crash.

Tried to find the relevant files it is creating that it must be opening and the crash occurs.

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