
Vaibhav Vaidya avatar image
Vaibhav Vaidya asked

What is the accuracy and consistency of power / energy measurements from the quattro?

How much can I believe the kW and kWh measurements from the Quattro? Is there a least count / linearity limitation?

e.g. if a 15kVA quattro measures 20kWh over 24h, would that be +/-5%? 10%? Unknown? Could it in reality be 40kWh? I'm asking because the power measured there would be less than 1kW, averaged over 24h. That's less than 10% of the rated power of the 15kVA Quattro, and energy errors tend to be cumulative.

Does this change with operating temperature? With stress on the inverter? With peaks and troughs / kW spikes of the load?

Any guidance here? Thanks

Energy Meterpower meterQuattro-II
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Vaibhav Vaidya Worth consulting the documentation first, then searching and as a last resort post. ;) Looks like very much most, if not all your answers can be found here.

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Vaibhav Vaidya avatar image Vaibhav Vaidya commented ·

Appreciate the direction, I haven't been able to find an answer though. What is the resolution and accuracy spec of the power measurement for example?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Vaibhav Vaidya commented ·
The inverter measures RMS power.

I have seen them be more inaccurate with 'noise' on the lines. The more electronically controlled devices the worse it gets.

Have also seen weird readings when the grid injects alot of noise as well.

The way the ve bus inverters measure power is inaccurate under 4 Amps. If you want accurate get a shunt based meter that is compatible.

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Related Resources

Energy Meter Selection Guide

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Quattro II Product page

Quattro II Online Manual

Pre-RMA bench test instructions.

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