
mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda asked

CAN BMS Bus Error VenusGX and ESS not working

I am fixing at the moment a system here in Panama from a customer.
The company who installed the systems made many mistakes in the wiring and also in the configuration of the system:
1 Quattro 48V/10k/120V (like in the US, 60Hz)
1 very old MPPT 150/70 (I hardly find information about that device)
1 VenusGX
2 LiFePo4 batteries each 100Ah, total 10kWh
1 Shunt with BMV
8kW Solarmodules
1 AGG generator (wrong wired. not connected at the moment)
Grid connection (no feedback desired, same grid like US)

I changed some DC cables, fixed some lugs, changed burned fuses, changed the wrong wiring of the chinese batteries. The system was a mess...

There are two problems:
I fail to connect the BMS CAN bus with the VenusGX. I changed the cables, I had contact to the vendor, did updates on the batteries, changed the setting in the battery SW to "Victron".
Here is the screenshot of the CAN port 2 (this is a VenusGX, not a Cerbo).


What can cause an "Err passive" and a "Bus warn". The vendor sent me video and there you can see that the BMS is working with Victron. On the test setup they use a cerbo. Can be using a VenusGX cause that issue?
The bus speed is set to 500kbts.

ESS is not working at the moment. All the time I want to turn it on, I get an DV Voltage Sense error and the Quattro makes strange noises and finally shut off. I never had this and have no idea...

So I am forced to use the Virtual switch for self consumption at the moment.

So my questions for problem 1 and 2 are:
Can it be that I have wrong settings in the the VE.conf or in the Remote Console?
Or can it be that the old MPPT is causing that issue?

I was searching in the documentation and also here in the community, but I found nothing.

Any help is appreciated,

Thank you,

Venus OSBMSquattro 10kva
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
  1. Old manuals here

If you have the shunt then set that as the system battery monitor (system set up) and remove bms control under DVCC. Personally would not bother with getting the bms to work until everything else is working.

Some of the older mppts don't work with ess.

what firmware is on all the components? What are their serial numbers?

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mswoboda avatar image mswoboda Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thank you for your answer, Alexandra.

BMS control is turned off and the Shunt is the battery measurement.
All devices have the latest firmware, also the Quattro.

"Some of the older mppts don't work with ess. "
O.k. is there a possibility to find out which MPPTs are not working with ESS?
Its an old Blue Solar MPPT 150/70 tough with VE.Can.

The serial of the Quattro:

Firmware is 510.

The serial and firmware of the MPPT:

The serial and firmware from the BMV-702:

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3 Answers
mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda answered ·

Is there actually a way to find out, if the DC voltage sensor of the Quattro has a hardware error?

1716038443237.pngI should try to check this, right?

The firmware of the VenusGX is v3.31. If there is somewhere a serial# of the VenusGX, I cannot find it.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


The firmware is enough to know a few things about the system. They run the new firmware fine and can manage ESS.

The mppt is too old for ESS control. (2016 is pre ESS).It is too old to update as well. The old way to get it to 'ESS' with the mppt was to set the voltages a little higher than the battery charged voltages.

DVCC is also where you can change the shared voltage information.

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mswoboda avatar image mswoboda Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thank you. I will tell the customer and I think we will it exchange to a SmartSolar MPPT 100/70 Tr VE.Can.

For a MPPT RS it would need a complete rewiring of the solar modules on the roof - thats not worth it.

I know the DVCC settings "Shared voltage sense". But what settings did you exactly mean?
Thank you, Alexandra

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mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda answered ·

And I have some other strange behaviour:

1716043531406.pngSometimes the voltage of the battery "jumps". If you look at the picture, the voltage change from 53V to 56,87V within 6 minutes. That's impossible. Also there was not a lot of sun at the moment and no current from the grid...
And later on it dropped again.
I actually checked all DC connections. If not a cable is broken (on one part it was overheated/melted and I exchanged it), I have no clue what this could cause.
I will also check the settings in the BMV-702 the next time I am at the customers site.
Any other ideas?

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mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda answered ·

Here the "strange" voltage jumps again:


Time: 14:35 54,48V

1716161144604.pngTime: 14:50 56,89V
The MPPT power is going down. Battery voltage is going up at the same time...
Anyone an idea?

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Related Resources

Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

Victron 3rd party BMS compatibility page

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)