
gtselepidis avatar image
gtselepidis asked

Parallel AC input and output

Hello All,

I have an installation with two systems:

The first system has:

1 x Multiplus 24/5000/120 Inverter

2 x SmartSolar MPPT 150/100 - Tr VE.CAN Charge controller

12 x Winner 8 OPzV 800 Batteries

The second system has:

1 x Multiplus 24/5000/120 Inverter

2 x BlueSolar MPPT 150/100 - Tr VE.CAN Charge controller

12 x Sunlight 7 SOPzV 990 Batteries

Both systems were installed in the same space but at different points in time.

I imagine that I cannot connect the charge controllers since the batteries (and charge controllers) are different.

Can I connect the two inverters as Master and Slave so I can connect AC input?

If not, can I connect the same AC input (one line that will be connected in parallel to the Input) and also the same AC output (again in parallel so that I can power the same switchboard)?

The target is to be able to charge the batteries from AC and also to power the same switchboard with both inverters.

Any other suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you in advance.




MPPT SmartSolarmultiplus in parallelgrid parallel
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No to the one system idea, for a number of reasons. But the first is it requires a shared battery bank. Something that you in theory should not do with your two different battery banks. (Do they have the same charge voltages etc?) They are the same chemistry. But because of age one lot may destroy the other. Sort of like they do when you add new to old.

The mppts can all be linked to one GX device, that is not an issue. And paralleling the inverters needs them to be the same chip and similar on age. Usually not recommend after years of use either.

Personally recommending a more practical use such as split the DB loads and each inverter charges from and runs its own thing - so two systems still.

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