
bryant-tonkin avatar image
bryant-tonkin asked

It works! Starlink GPS coordinates populated to VRM Portal

Just wanted to share a small victory. I'm working on getting familiar with Node-Red and the Victron ecosystem and wanted to see if I could pull the gps coordinates from my Starlink dish and populate them to my VRM Portal. After quite a bit of monkeying around, I managed to get it working! I'm sure it's far from perfect, but I figured I'd share my flow for anyone looking to do something similar. Thanks to freakent for the dbus-mqtt-devices driver and spark8512 for the Starlink grpc information.

Here's the link to the project if you're interested.

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1 Answer
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Link doesn't work for me

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bryant-tonkin avatar image bryant-tonkin commented ·

No idea what's going on with the hyperlink but I have the url in plain text now. Here's another try at a hyper link.

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