
frantiseksobotka avatar image
frantiseksobotka asked

Energy meter as AC load - how to show at dashboard?


is there a way how to show energy meter with role AC load (type VM-3P75CT) at the VRM dashboard?

Also monitoring of the meter at cerbo touch screen would be nice? But how to acitvate?

With the role as grid meter it works, but if it used as AC load, it is not shown anywhere only under advance graphs.

Energy Meter
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4 Answers
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

How is the meter connected Carlo Gavazzi over RS485 or via the Modbus TCP method?

Personally I use node red for everything, apart from a few highlights/warnings in Home assistant.

There has been much talk about the node red dishoard on Cerbo touch displays but it looks complex and dodgy based on what I have read...

Cheap android, or 'cleaned' Fire, tablet as a wall mounted browser works great... As would a raspberry PI, or similar, if you wanted something a bit faster.

I run Node red on the Cerbo of my 24V system, have it collect data from my 48V system, the latter feeding the former power BTW, and mostly use the NR dashboard hosted on the Cerbo for basic info and control. Any data I want to Graph/Log/drive an integration with is streamed to Node red on my HA Raspberry where I can literally do anything with my entire electrical installation or shove the data into a database and process it / visualize it with Grafana.

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frantiseksobotka avatar image
frantiseksobotka answered ·


the meter is connected via VE.Can.

But I am searching for user friendly solution. I paid quite a lot of money for the latest victron product but seems that the only what it can show without any expensive/time consuming programing is value from last reset somewhere in Cerbo menu. That is annoying in 21st century.


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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi maybe check if its on the latest firmware version?

where are the CT clamps on your system installed on?

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frantiseksobotka avatar image frantiseksobotka commented ·
Yes for both, it works fine, but how can I get visualisation of data, that I do not know. It seems like for ESS grid meter is software and VRM prepared, but nothing for AC load meter is implemented…
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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

I originally looked for this feature. As far as I'm aware you can't on dashboard. (Unless it's been added recently)

As you mentioned data is recorded and stored on VRM but is only visible from advanced tab.

You're right it would be nice if the calculation could be flipped ie rather than measuring grid and calculating AC Loads you do the opposite and measure AC loads and grid is calculated.

However I can see why they didnt go this route.

Monitoring on cerbo is probably easiest (fewest clicks needed). You'd need to open device list to see AC load meter usage. That's only one click which is probably less than swapping vrm to advanced tab.

It's not the answer you're looking for but maybe a manageable alternative assuming node red route is a no go for you.

Out of interest what's your use case. Is it just for some specific loads you want to monitor additionally?

As others mention setting up Node red dashboards or using grafana is probably the cleanest/easiest way to make your own interface with all the data you want to see. It could be done with limited programming knowledge but will need some reading.

I've always liked the idea of Victron allowing for minimal customisation of dashboard. I did post a question about how i imagined it could be implemented with minimal impact to server load but as you can see no one replied:

VRM Dashboard Customisation idea. - Victron Community (

This would allow users to add custom metrics/controls to dashboard without the need for victron to do anything. Also more convenient than opening node red dashboads or alternate apps etc.

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