
cryztalc avatar image
cryztalc asked

Sealed lead acid battery manual setting

First of all I do not have a Bluetooth dongle nor can I afford to buy one at this moment. So the setting for the battery has to be manual via the little turn dial thing next to the Bluetooth dongle connection.

Second I have already checked the manual and there's nothing on the manual about a sealed lead acid battery setting. I have just one for the moment so there's no other batteries no parallel no nothing like that. I have a victron 100/50 mppt solar controller. It's a 12 volt AGM battery Bank that holds up to 2,000 w. I need to know on the manual setting which number to put it out for my battery.

I currently have it on 7, however I barely got enough juice yesterday from the charge to get my phone to 9%. So obviously is not the correct one but I don't know which one it is.

battery chargingMPPT SmartSolarAGM BatteryVE.Direct Bluetooth Smart DongleVE.Bus Smart Dongle
2 |3000

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Do you know what battery type so you can check the manufacturer datasheet. This is important because some AGM batteries need a higher voltage than others.

If you do not know the manufacturer settings then number 1 or number 2 will work. Both of these are for Victron AGM which is the important type not sealed lead acid as that covers many types. Number 2 will give a slightly faster charge than number 1. Number 7 may not fully charge AGM especially if you have a smaller solar system.

It sounds like you need to get your battery fully charged quickly before it is damaged, do you have a mains charger. Also, is you solar system large enough to recharge what you want to use.

2 |3000

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cryztalc avatar image cryztalc commented ·

My solar panels purport to be over 300w each. I use my multimeter on them to check and they did go over 300 each however my multimeter only goes up to 300 and it kind of just shot up to 300w with the needle immediately. I tried using the multimeter on the different voltage settings and it was the same thing. So I know there's more than enough juice and I'm being careful to only allow one panel to be plugged in at the moment.


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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell cryztalc commented ·
Number 2 will do for those, best to keep to the lower voltage range for longer life.
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