
Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard asked

Victron Connect via VRM

no-vc-access-via-vrm.jpegGood day to all .

We monitor around 50 Victron systems via VRM. So quite familiar with VRM and Victron Connect. Among the 50, we recently noticed we could not access to the Victron Connect / VRM page for at least 3 of them . All the others are OK. And for these 3 (Well, at least 2 verified), we can easily access to Victron Connect via Bluetooth when in front ; But not from distance . It starts and stays at 40% as in the picture.

Note : Among the 3 GX : 1 is a color control, 1 is a Cerbo , and 1 is a Cerbo-S !

I need to access via Victron Connect to reach / Devices and change some settings on a Charge controller and a Battery Monitor .

I may be missing something . Unless I am mistaken, there are not even specific settings for these accesses . Any idea ? Thanks in advance

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6 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Herve RV Nizard Any clues in the video?

2 way communication enabled? Remote console via VRM enabled?

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image Herve RV Nizard commented ·
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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Herve RV Nizard

You are running an old Venus OS with a new VictronConnect.

Probably Venus OS 3.30 (or older) with the new VictronConnect 6.05.

Also see this:


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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

Thanks very much. Will immediately look at this.

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

1000052916.jpg@Alex Pescaru . The first one has 3.31 and my VC is1000052915.jpg 6.05

1000052915.jpg (298.6 KiB)
1000052916.jpg (232.1 KiB)
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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·


The 2nd one had indeed 3.30. Updated to 3.31 and now it works. Thank you.

The 3rd one had 3.31 and still does not work !!

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

@Alex Pescaru . Sincere thanks. After updating the firmware, rebooted the GX. All works fine now. Thank you.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·
Glad that I could help!
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