
claytont avatar image
claytont asked

Pheonix 12/1200 RFI / EMI

Hello, I installed a Pheonix 12/1200 at a remote cabin and it is generating a lot of hash / interference on the lower frequency ham amateur bands. 160m, 80m, 40m. The bands are unusable. Also completely wiping out AM radio. I purchased this specific inverter to reduce interference.

It is wired directly to a standard electrical panel and feeds the cabin wiring. I have individual ferrite beads on each AC leg and have installed a ground rod for the AC system.

What else can I do to remove the RFI?

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
claytont avatar image
claytont answered ·

To follow this up,
I returned the Victron Phoenix 12/1200 Low Frequency Inverter.

For anyone interested in SWL (Shortwave), AM, Ham / Amateur Radio, This inverter completely destroys everything from 0khz to 10mhz.

1.8mhz & 3.7mhz are 20+ db of solid noise, not even the banding of noise you normally see, just a solid block on the waterfall.

In hopes trying to reduce the emissions I tried: no AC wiring attatched, no loads, chassis grounded, DC wiring through wound through a toroid, alternate radio DC source, and dipole antenna 100ft away on the ground, even still there is incredible amounts of RFI / EMI. It might as well be an RF signal generator.

I thought moving away from a high frequency switching inverter would be the ticket but that is not the case with this unit. So much RF it should be regulated by the FCC. Ridiculous.

Another note is it wont even power a 700w microwave that is listed for 1000w draw. junk!

2 |3000

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