
Lukáš Svoboda avatar image
Lukáš Svoboda asked

Monitoring of PV health

Hello, I am building home 3f Victron residential PV system. I got 4xUS5000 pylontech + 3x Mutliplus 2 5kVA and 36x 480W Leapton panels. I am not sure what kind of MPPT to choose though.

Should I use 3x 250/100 or 1x 450/200?

Second question is what is the best way how to keep my PV Array safe. Are the trackers somehow able to detect faulty connections or damage that can emerge over time (I would love to minise risk of fire - btw system is gonna be installed and projected by authorized professionals)?

MPPT SmartSolarmppt rssafety
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1 Answer
dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

You can use the victron mppt calculator to check possible options:

It all depends on how you are going to wire the panels. And that in turn depends on what makes most sence depending on their physical layout.

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