
raulc avatar image
raulc asked

battery not discharging (plyontec us2000c victron cerbo)

3x MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48
Cerbo GX
8x Pylontech battery 2000 C
2x SmartSolar Charger MPPT 250/70
rev2Energy Meter ET340

system was working properly before.

screenshots are daytime, solarsystem is working

i already limited the loading voltage to 54,2

any ideas how to fix this issue?


Pylontechbattery system voltagebalanced ac-load
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8 Answers
raulc avatar image
raulc answered ·

one of the fuses in the lynx was gone.
replaced the fuse eth was back to normal.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

you have negative grid load, where is that from?

the system right now sees no reason why it would use the battery...

normally you should not do anything with the DVCC settings, the pylontech bms controls that

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raulc avatar image
raulc answered ·

MultiPlus switch was on 2, was fixed. its back to 1

but still no support for the home grid by the battery. still shows 100 percent and the

MultiPlus now shows low battery

the batteries are not in balance
the issue is how to bring them back to balance.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Is your connection between batteries and GX ok?

See: remote console>pylontech>details

And: remote console>settings>services>bms can port>network status

If nothing is feeding back and you do have negative grid load and low voltage warning, then it looks like batteries are discharging to grid without communication to the cerbo

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raulc avatar image raulc commented ·

this is how it looks like:

Image 30.04.24 at 09.11.jpeg

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL raulc commented ·
that looks oke, i suggest you make the DVCC default as it was as me and @nickdb also stated and follow the tips nickdb posted in his last answer
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Why have you limited the charge parameters in dvcc?

There is no need to do this. Let the system manage itself. There is a reason this is not part of the setup instructions.

The system is in sustain, so you need to check all the settings for the multi, has sustain been enabled? Do all parameters including ESS assistant match the pylon configuration guide?

(Btw you have too few batteries for that setup, 12 is the recommended number for 3 5kVA systems)

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raulc avatar image raulc commented ·

i kept getting the high voltage message. it's gone now.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ raulc commented ·
Those are normal events on a new/unbalanced battery. It is not harmful in the majority of the cases. Lowering parameters can actually make it more difficult to balance.

Undersized packs that are heavily/deeply discharged can also show imbalances.

HV alarms are documented in the manuals, it is best to leave them to sort themselves out on an extended charge cycle. Thos parameters are not intended for permanent use and are for extreme imbalances where a system is struggling to sort itself out.

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raulc avatar image
raulc answered ·

to bring the batteries back into balance, i have reduced them to 2.
if i can judge by the display, they are now ok again. (previously the LED display was different
the system is still not accessing the batteries. (they are not discharged)

PV charger goes from 0 to 5Wimage-300424-at-0905.jpeg(250.9 KiB)

In my opinion, the data looks different in the app than in the remote console.



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raulc avatar image
raulc answered ·

remote console


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Your system is both in scheduled charge and sustain still.

Suggest you disable your schedules, check all the settings on every inverter and try again.

With scheduled charging, discharging is likely blocked.

I would also undo any "adjustments" made, this is also likely to confuse things.

This looks like a setup/config issue.

I would encourage you to get someone experienced to help you with this system.

I would be careful running only 2 batteries on that system, you could unintentionally create more problems with 50A of battery on a system that can sink 100's of Amps.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Nice to see its solved!

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Related Resources

Victron Pylontech battery compatibility guide

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic