
mikemynis avatar image
mikemynis asked

High Voltage Alarm - Why and how to fix?

Setup is:

  • 2 x Multiplus II parallel;
  • 1 x MPPT 450/200;
  • 1 x Cerbo GX;
  • 5 x Pylontech US3000C, parallel.

For weeks no issue, but now suddenly I get High Voltage warnings.

I don't know where the high voltage occurs. Battery?
Where do I check this?

And then what to do about it? How to limit the voltage?

Anyone knows how to handle this?


PS in the VRM event log, I have this message:
Automatic monitoring alarm - High voltage alarm: Alarm Battery Monitor [512]

Multiplus-IIMPPT Controllerscerbo gxPylontech
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

If the batteries are new its possible see:

section 8 troubleshooting

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

On the Cerbo, see which Pylontech is generating this overvoltage and if it's still the same one, run BatteryView on this Pylontech to see if it's still the same cell that's causing the problem.

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mikemynis avatar image
mikemynis answered ·

Thanks for the answers! @duivert the batteries are indeed pretty new...

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