
Kees Oomen avatar image
Kees Oomen asked

Bug? Orion XS does not recognize Victron BMS v2

Hi, when I check settings on my cerbo GX, I can connect to my Orion XS device which is connected with I can also control it through the cerbo, so the connection is working.

However, the Orion does not detect my BMS. I am checking with dbus as "/Settings/BMSPresent" is 0 for the Orion XS. And it's 1 for my MPPT (so that one works..)
As a result That causes the Orion not using DVCC (for example when settings DVCC charge limit, the Orion XS does not take it)

I have cerbo gx firmware version 3.20 and orion xs firmware version v1.03 (latest)
- edit: updating cerbo gx firmware to 3.31 did not change the issue

BMSDVCCorion xs
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3 Answers
Kees Oomen avatar image
Kees Oomen answered ·

Maybe I should restart my Orion XS, but how can I do this, aside from disconnect from power supply?

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Kees Oomen avatar image Kees Oomen commented ·
This did not help
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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @Kees Oomen

At the moment, /Settings/BMSPresent will indeed always be 0. DVCC and the charge limit should work however. We will look into this. Thank you for reporting this issue.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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Kees Oomen avatar image Kees Oomen commented ·

Thanks Thiemo. Just for the record: Manually setting charge limit through /Settings/Set/ChargeCurrentLimit is working, but when trying to do through DVCC is does not take it over.

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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @Kees Oomen

We are still investigating this, but for now it seems that this is indeed a software problem specific to the Orion XS and Venus. I unfortunately can not give any more information on when this might be solved.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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