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loict asked

Using Orion Tr (not Smart) to keep engine battery charged


I am installing Lithium house batteries that are Solar charged on my boat.

House bank is separated from engine battery by a Orion DC-DC Tr smart 30Amp to prevent the alternator from overheating.

I would also like to be able to charge the engine battery from house battery. I understood that Orion DC-DC are unidirectional so I would need to add another one.

I started looking at this model Orion Tr 12-12 9A, which is the smallest one available. . This is the non Smart one, it does not seem to be a proper battery charger and only outputs a constant voltage.

Would it be OK if I configure it for a float LeadAcid voltage of 13.4V and leave it ON all the time ? Or is there a risk of overcharging and potentially damaging the engine battery this way ?

Should I consider a smart model instead which seem to have a proper charger algorithm ?



orion-tr smartOrion DC-DC Converters not smartorion dc-dc
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