
jeepmcd avatar image
jeepmcd asked

Smart Shunt Grounding RV

Installing my first Li batteries in my fifth wheel and I wanted a Smart Shunt to monitor SOC and usage. I do plan to scale up and install solar and a Victron inverter, but let’s start with a simple grounding question.

Does the load/charger side of the shunt go to ground? My rv is set up with all 12v circuits grounding near the battery box and the original battery was grounded at the same location (rv frame). Do I need to connect all of the existing grounds together and connect to the shunt, without being grounded to the frame? This would result in all loads being grounded to the battery negative through the shunt.

Thanks in advance

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Yes, there must be absolutely no system grounds that do not run through the shunt. All chassis, load, and charger grounds must be connected to the load side of the shunt, with only the battery negative connected to the battery side, as detailed in the user and installation manual:

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