
wout991 avatar image
wout991 asked

Mixed up phases 3ph Multiplus 2 & AC load L2 shows 0W

Hi Guys,

My setup:

  • 3 phase multiplus 2 inverters in ESS
  • Battery with EMUS BMS
  • PV inverter is an energy meter (EM540) with 1x 3ph PV inverter & 2x 1ph PV inverter connected (this is why L2 has less power)
  • 1x Fronius PV inverter (10 years old, with no ethernet) on L2 (AC load)
  • AC load on AC out 1
  • Grid = AC in.
  • Grid is measured by Multiplus 2 inverters

Problem 1:

L2 does not show any loads although there are loads. At first I blamed the Fronius PV inverter on L2 but after switching it's fuse of it didn't make any difference.

AC loads of L2 only shows power at startup for a short time. After that it shows 0W, which is weird because Grid - PV inverter equals around 6000W.. When I add up the loads of L1 with the PV power of L1 it equals the Grid L1. Same for L3. However L2 is not showing the AC load. Im sure that this is connected to a load (I've double checked this with a heat gun).

I know there is a solution with the Multiplus inverters with jack plug external sensor to fetch a jack connector and insert this a couple of times in the multiplus. However I have a newer version which does not have a jack plug but a phoenix (?) 3 way connector. I've tried disconnecting this plug and inserting again, tried contact spray and I've tried using another wire. Nothing helped so far.

Problem 2:

Phases are mixed. When I connect a heat gun (2kw) to L1 AC load, I can see the change in 'Grid' on L2. AC loads L2 stays on 0W..

I have double checked all the wiring and double checked the settings in 'VE.Bus Quick Configure', however everything is as it should be.

These problems are probably related to each other.. however I don't see how I can change the phases other than in VE.Bus Quick Configure.



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Energy Meterpowerac out
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, i think you will need an mk3 and the VE bus system configurator software to change the phase's

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wout991 avatar image wout991 commented ·
Thanks for writing! Yeah, I've done that. However everything seems to be as it should be.
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

could also be the fronius on ac out L2 thats delivering power, without a pv meter the system cant measure the returned power from that device

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wout991 avatar image wout991 commented ·

Yeah, this could be the problem.. However when I switch off the fuse of the Fronius, you would think that the AC loads would show that there is power taken from L2..

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL wout991 commented ·
yes it should be that way!
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Related Resources

Energy Meter Selection Guide

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