
rikhf avatar image
rikhf asked

Can I use a MPII temp sensor for switching a fan by relay?

What I'm trying to do is use the temp sensor on the MPII in the same way as one can with a Ruuvi. Is that possible? If yes, how?

Multiplus-IITemperature Sensorfan
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2 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

I'm less familiar with setting things like this up natively using assistants but node red could solve this pretty easily.

I do similar but rather than temperature i use solar power. If above a certain limit i turn on a shelly smart switch connected to water heater.

Same concept as yours except you'd use temperature and a fan. Rather than solar data and a water heater.

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fanda avatar image fanda commented ·
Which model of Shelly smart switch are you using? I want to implement exactly the same thing, but there is a plethora of Shelly switch models. It would be good to know a working solution rather than unnecessarily experiment and lose time/money/(nerves). Thank you!
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 fanda commented ·
I use the cheapest shelly 1, the original.

I use http node to activate is via http endpoint. I know others support mqtt/websockets but http end point was simplest when i searched years back so just ran with that ever since.

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

more simply, you can also use the MP2 fan to trigger a programmable relay in the VEConfig assistant

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maa avatar image maa commented ·

Like that :


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