
Juha Tuomala avatar image
Juha Tuomala asked

MPPT RS: Update error, Error Message: xupc-88

Updating RS 450/100 and it failed couple times with the following message:


the trailing number changes. Eventually it succeeded, but left a bit sour taste. There was some red popu-up also in the browser low corder but it disappeared quickly before I had change to read it. Didn't find this error from any threa subject so here we go.

mppt rs
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3 Answers
Juha Tuomala avatar image
Juha Tuomala answered ·
Various stability fixes to the xupd & xupc tools (which are part of remote firmware updates)

Development threads here in the forum have these changelog entries, gives a hint what that XUPC is.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

The last phrase was a question or a statement?

If it is a question, then "xupc - Victron Update over VE.Can"

Seems like the xupc program, part of the Venus OS, is exiting with various error exit codes...

Do you have a stable CAN connection with terminators at both ends?

Which is the status of packets on the Cerbo - Settings - Services - VE.CAN port - Network status?

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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala commented ·
It has been working just fine for quite some time. No CAN errors.
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Juha Tuomala

You realise that updating over the VRM when the banner at the top says that there are back end issues with the database synchronisation is ill advised - right?

Use your phone BT and Victron connect.


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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

From what I know the file for update is downloaded first into Cerbo and from there that utility "xupc" is flashing locally. Just like the VictronConnect is doing on the phone.

Also that program mentioned in the error is a local program that doesn't has anything to do with the server back-end. It just takes that previously downloaded file and flashes it over CAN on the specific NAD.

The very fact that the xupc program is launched, it means that it has a valid file to be flashed - that if the scripts are correctly written - and in this case the only problem will remain the local network...

Am I wrong?


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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala Alex Pescaru commented ·
It could be X UPdate over Can or something.
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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala commented ·
I think it was before that. Anyway, that banner is annoying, it covers the settings button and that X doesn't work in mobile devices.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Juha Tuomala commented ·
That is a known issue which will receive attention.
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