
beat avatar image
beat asked

VRM Bug report: in Custom widgets, PV currents are not drawn (no data)

On VRM, Custom widgets, PV currents for MPPT (PV currents on tracker #n on MPPT RS) are not drawn. You can see that on my installation "test" on VRM in the last widgets at bottom: PV currents are just not displayed (and if only PV currents, like on last widget, there is just a "no data" there.

On standard widgets, like on top, PV currents are drawn. So it's a bug in VRM and not in VenusOS.

VRMvrm advanced
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1 Answer
John Dent avatar image
John Dent answered ·

Kept meaning to report this, and then stumbled on your post.

So... 'me too'.

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