
yves avatar image
yves asked

No access to multiplus II 24/3000/70-16-230V with MK3-USB interface (VE.bus)

After a GEL battery replacement, our multiplus is not found (not showing up in the local device list) and is ''unable to connect'' with the Victron Connect tool. ''Force detection'' has also no effect. Before disconnection of the old batteries, the unit was disconnected trough the victron connect app (windows).

Before starting to disconnect and send the unit for revision, I would like to ask the community if there is any alternative way or somekind of reset to restore the connection.

The battery voltage is correct at 28V, and the AC inlet is 229V.

There is not any LED ON or blinking on the frontplate.

(microcontroller version 26xxxxx and Firmware is #460)

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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If the inverter is not on the MK3 can't detect it so the first thing to work out is why it is not switching on.

Is the front rocker in the correct position.

Have you tried without grid just power up on battery? Is the polarity correct?

After it is switched on then you can use Victron Connect.

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yves avatar image
yves answered ·

Hi Alexandra, thanks for your fast response.

Front rocker tried with both positions ON and charge only.

Yes, switched off the 230V inlet and batt power only.

Polarity is correct.

Still no reaction from the multiplus.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

You have basically done the first few checks of the pre RMA and it did not pass. If it does not power up from DC only (even with a pre charge)

You could open and check if the connections are all ok like the ones to the Comms board on the off chance that might be a problem.

But It seems like you are at the end of what you can do there.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

That version of firmware had a bug where a unit would remain turned off.

Use the mk3 and veflash to update it to 5.08, then it should start normally again.

Your config will have to be reloaded/set.

The firmware file is on

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yves avatar image
yves answered ·

Thanks Nick, that may fix the bug, will try it when I get back on the boat!

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